Showing 495 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
access 0 0
acoustic (akustický) 2 0
activism (aktivismus) 2 0
advertising 0 0
affect 0 0
affective 0 0
afterlife (posmrtný život) 1 0
agency 0 0
agriculture 0 0

Use for: Automatic Identification and Data Capture

0 0
Alchemy 0 0
algorithm 0 0
allegory (alegorie) 1 0
anamorphic 0 0
anamorphosis 0 0
anatomy 0 0
ancestor (předek) 1 0
animal (zvíře) 1 0
animated 0 0
animation (animace) 20 0
anthropocentrism 0 0
anthropology 0 0
anthropomorph 0 0
antiquity 0 0
archaeology 0 0
Results 1 to 25 of 495